On Siemens machine, mostly using old Economos software, the header needs to have the following, or similar format:
N10 G54
N40 R55=1
N50 R56=0
N60 R52=$P_UIFR[1,Z,TR]
N70 R52=-R52+2.0 ; -TOPFLAENGE
N80 R53=0
In this case the values represent:
- VERSCHIEBUNG: Offset value
- ANDREHLAENGE: Turning / needed length to machine the seal
On the FastSeal creator software, those values can be obtained with the reserved words:
- CYCL_MINZ: That will result on the offset value
- CYCL_TURNINGLENGTH: This value will output the length of the machined material
Both can be parsed and used to make calculations. For the CYCL_MINZ is common to a small amount be added so that the next machined part has material to be totally faced. This value, depends greatly on the part being made, and in case of a chevron seal (produced with the chip less tools) the output will be exactly equal to needed offset. Basically, the use of the CYCL_MINZ with or without parsing values will output the correct value.
As an example to achieve the previous header the following should be used:
N10 G54
N40 R55=1
N50 R56=0
N60 R52=$P_UIFR|[1,Z,TR]|
N70 R52=-R52+2.0 ; -TOPFLAENGE
N80 R53=0
Special cases
There are cases that the offset must be exact, without the extra amount added by the user. On those cases the software internally will parse the content between the [ ] as exact values. Examples:
Example 1
G10 P0 W[{CYCL_MINZ}+0.3]
In this case, if the CYCL_MINZ is 10.00 for normal seals the output will be:
G10 P0 W10.3
When the seal requires exact offset (this is handled internal by the software) the output will be:
G10 P0 W10.0
Because all the content between the square brackets that contain the {CYCL_MINZ} will be transformed on the offset value.
Example 2
G10 P0 W[20+[{CYCL_MINZ}+0.3]]
In this case, if the CYCL_MINZ is 10.00 for normal seals the output will be:
G10 P0 W30.3
When the seal requires exact offset (this is handled internal by the software) the output will be:
G10 P0 W30.0
Because all the content between the square brackets that contain the {CYCL_MINZ} will be transformed on the offset value. Since the value 20 is outside the squared brackets that contain the {CYCL_MINZ}, that value is calculated on a second step.