Machine settings – File structure

File name and formatting are set on this section. File name The file name template will produce the file name based on this setting. Note that several reserved words can be used and they are accessed using the right mouse key. The file extension can also be set here. There is also the option to …

Machine settings – Parser/reserved words

On most of the the template section, an mathematical parser is built in to provide the user the possibility of generating calculations. Also reserved words are present that ensures the needed information is available. In this post both aspects will be detailed. Reserved words Important: Most of the text boxes have reserved worlds. Right click …

Machine settings – Templates

On the template section, is where the code output is generated based on most of the settings. The templates are divided into the following sections. Important: Most of the text boxes have reserved words. Right click on the text box to access the reserved words. Tool change There are tool settings on the tool change. …

Machine settings – Safe position

On this section the code that enables movement or a sequence of events that enables a safe tool change are added. Two sections are present – the standard safe position (that occurs always before a tool change) and the first safe position that breaks the previous rule and is executed only on the first safe …

Machine settings – Auxiliar functions

On this section the auxiliar functions that are available on your machine are set. If your machine does not have some of the functions, leave the text boxes empty Coolant Generally M08 and M09 are the start and stop commands for coolant. Change to any other that suits your machine. Vacuum and chip-cutter If your …

Machine settings – Live tooling

Live tooling options are intended for machines that provide the ability to use motorized tools on the turret. If the option is available, set on the machine configuration: Setting as available, it enables the remaining options C axis On this group the basic settings for correctly defining the C axis are set. Polar coordinates Depending …

Machine settings – Axis movements

The settings related how the axis move on your machine are set on this section Basic settings The basic settings of axis movements should fill the corresponding textboxes. Arcs Set the expressions for the arcs on this section. There are machines that require incremental arcs, others use absolute. Also some require that the arc center …

Machine settings – Spindle

The settings on this section are related with the basic spindle control and also, depending on your machine, to set a limit on the spindle speed. Basic section On the basic section the codes that your machine use to set the spindle speeds, and directions (clock wise and anti clock wise) should be placed. Note …

Machine settings – Operation costs

The operation costs on the machine settings menu plays a important role for the cost calculation of the FastQuote and on the standard costing system. All settings on this section are independent of the currency in use. If you use dollars, set them as dollars, if euros, set all in euros. This is, you are …

Machine settings – Turret

Available slots On this setting, the number of available slots is placed on the corresponding selection box. A custom number can also be used if there is a capacity to hold a different number of 8, 10 or 12, that are the most common set up. Over limit machining On some machine with special turrets, …