The machine settings, live tooling code is more complex than most of the others as they involve several reserved words, some relevant for the atual live tooling operation type. On this page a description is provided to each of the existing live tooling reserved word. This list might be updated as the live tooling code changes or gets improved.
Reserved Word | Scope | Description |
{LiveTooling.CCode} | Settings | Word to define the C axis (normally ‘C’) that corresponds to the axis that rotates the spindle, normally set in angles |
{LiveTooling.EnableCAxisMode} | Settings | Code to enable the C axis mode/operation mode |
{LiveTooling.DisableCAxisMode} | Settings | Code to disable the C axis mode/operation mode |
{LiveTooling.EnableSpindleBrake} | Settings | Code to apply the brake to the spindle, so that it does not move during the machining |
{LiveTooling.DisableSpindleBrake} | Settings | Code to disable the spindle brake |
{LiveTooling.EnablePolarCoordinates} | Settings | Code that enables the use of polar coordinates. All code between this code and the “disable of polar coordinates” is provided in polar coordinates. |
{LiveTooling.DisablePolarCoordinates} | Settings | Disable the polar coordinates mode |
{LiveTooling.XPolarCode} | Settings | Word that defines the X axis in polar coordinates |
{LiveTooling.YPolarCode} | Settings | Word that defines the Y axis in polar coordinates |
{LiveTooling.ZPolarCode} | Settings | Word that defines the Z axis in polar coordinates |
{LiveTooling.SpindleCW} | Settings | Code that starts the live tooling spindle in clock wise direction |
{LiveTooling.SpindleCCW} | Settings | Code that starts the live tooling spindle in anti clock wise direction |
{LiveTooling.MaxAllowedSpindleRPM} | Settings | Code that sets a maximum rpm of the live tool spindle |
{LiveTooling.SpindleStop} | Settings | Code that stops the live tooling spindle |
{LiveTooling.SafeX} | User | X value in diameter that corresponds to a safe value (generally away from the workpiece to avoid collisions) |
{LiveTooling.SafeZ} | User | Z value that corresponds to a safe value (generally away from the workpiece to avoid collisions) |
{LiveTooling.XStart} | User | X value in diameter that indicates the starting location of the machining. Depending on the type of operation it is recommended that a margin is added (for example a slot on 100mm it is recommended that this value is set to 100.2mm) |
{LiveTooling.ZStart} | User | Z value that indicates the starting location of the machining |
{LiveTooling.XEnd} | User | X value in diameter that indicates the end location of the machining. Depending on the operation, this value can be equal to the XStart value (ex: axial drilling) |
{LiveTooling.ZEnd} | User | Z value that indicates the end location of the machining. Depending on the operation, this value can be equal to the ZStart value (ex: radial drilling) |
{LiveTooling.StartAngle} | User | Initial operation angle, starting from the C axis origin |
{LiveTooling.NDivisions} | User | Number of equal operations to be performed |
{LiveTooling.Angle} | Internal | Internally calculated, normally placed on the code section of the operation settings, corresponds to n angle of an operation. In case it is placed on the header, it corresponds to the start angle. Example: For 4 divisions, with a starting angle of 10 degrees, this angle will be parsed and returns : 10, 100, 190, 280, for each of the 4 divisions |
{LiveTooling.AngleBetween} | Internal | Internally calculated based on user settings, it defines the angle after the start start angle for consequents operations. The calculation depends on the operation being used. |
{LiveTooling.OperationCode} | Internal | Normally placed on the code section of the operation settings, corresponds to automatic generated code for a individual operation. Generally used for repeating operations that are complex individually (for example slots), or when the controller does not has canned cycles |
{LiveTooling.SpindleDirection} | Internal | Word will be parsed and changed for the corresponding code for {LiveTooling.SpindleCW} or {LiveTooling.SpindleCCW} based on the selected tool settings |
{LiveTooling.Delta} | User | Delta value is used on the cut split operations where it represents the distance from the start of one slot to the next. See the operation representation for further information. |