Some profiles (for example WH08 series) have a angle on the outside groove.
This groove have a set angle that can be user changed:
Since the machining of the back angle is hard coded to use the group of tools “outside angle groove”, the angle must match the angles of available tools. Below we have on the default machine, tools with angle 25, 35 and 45 degrees. The 25 angle would be able to machine the 65 degree of the example above (25º+65º = 90º)
If no tool exists with the angle that the final shape has, the software will inform that no tool is available. In the example below a angle of 80º was used, since no tool with a angle of 10º is present on the software no tool was possible to use:
This is correct, because no tool on the tool management have a angle that would produce the angle on the seal.
Solution 1)
Alter the geometry of the seal to match the tool that you have on your tooling database.
Solution 2)
Add a tool that matches the angle of the shape to be made.
Solution 3)
Since the software is very flexible, if the user selects for example on of the the outside oring tool instead of the standard outside machining, the final shape can be achieved. For this, simply press the outside machining tool:
Then select a suitable oring tool (in this case the 06 offset tool was selected that have enough reach to machine the shape):
The result is present on the following image. It can be seen that the tool will follow the outside shape.
The information on the code, that informs that the selected tool is not suitable for outside machining is a note informing the user that the oring tool is not of the outside machining group (as it is a oring tool group), but it can be used also to machine shapes.
Finally, since the outside and the groove is made, the “groove angle hammer outside” code can be disabled. For that simply press the color button in front of the cycle name:
Pressing this, will omit this code from the final code sent to the machine, and the final code window should look like:
It can be seen that the groove angle hammer outside group is greyed out (meaning that it will not be used), therefor the code with the problem will not be sent to the machine.